The Video Delivery Landscape Poster 2018 IBC Edition – Get it now!

During the first day of the the IBC 2018 conference we distributed this year’s last edition of the much sought after Video Delivery Landscape poster. In it you will find an overview of 200+ of the most important brands, products and companies within the video delivery realm.

The Video Delivery Landscape is more than a way to keep tabs on the many vendors in video delivery technology. It also provides insight into the complexity of the market and the many parties that are involved in the process of getting video content to end consumers.

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What Changed in the IBC edition of the Video Delivery Landscape?

The last edition we had made it possible for companies to report themselves so that we could add them. For this last edition, we have carefully reviewed all the included companies and only kept the ones we are convinced play a significant part in the video delivery value chain.

Some Additional Questions and Answers:

Where did this overview come from?
It started as our own internal tool, stitched together from company Excel sheets, showing the width of our ecosystem. After aggregating all that data, it seemed like something the rest of the industry could benefit from as well, so we decided to turn it into something everyone can access.

How often do you update the Landscape?
As often as we can so that it remains relevant and in line with the dynamic market that we operate in.

What exactly does Divitel have to do with any of this?
Traditionally, we’re system integrators for video delivery technology. Not just any system integrator, though. Through our Consultancy efforts, we advise broadcasters, operators and content owners on complex video delivery technology challenges, but we also design and build video delivery solutions featuring the technology mentioned on the Video Delivery Landscape. We also manage these solutions through our managed services for TV operators, allowing our clients to focus on product development, without having to worry about the underlying technology. We do the same through our TV and Video Application Lifecycle Lab, which allows us to perform rapid automated testing for TV and video applications, greatly improving time-to-market and quality of service for our customers.

Where do I leave feedback?
You can always mail us at or reach out directly to your Divitel contacts. We’re always happy to hear any comments, answer questions or consider changes to the Landscape.